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Watermelon Crimson Sweet

Watermelon Crimson Sweet

Description: Crimson Sweet watermelon are round-to-oval watermelons averaging 25 lbs. with a rind having light green and dark green stripes. The inside has sweet, firm, bright, deep red flesh that is high in sugar content and contains very few, small seeds. It is one of the best-tasting of large melons with many disease-resistant traits. Growing Crimson Sweet watermelon involves cultivating vines that reach 6-10 feet and 2 feet high, and the melons mature in about 85 days.

Origin: Watermelons originated in Africa thousands of years ago. The Crimson Sweet watermelon variety was introduced by Kansas State University in 1963.

Usage: Fresh slices are eaten by hand, chunks added to salads, or blended into refreshing drinks and frozen desserts. Watermelon seeds can be eaten raw, sprouted, or roasted, as a healthy snack.

Interesting facts: China is the number 1 producer of watermelon worldwide.


General requirements: These large watermelons require lots of space, warmth, and plenty of sunshine. The soil should be well-drained, sandy, or sandy loam, amended with compost, and have a pH between 5.5 and 7.5. Soil temperatures between 70-90 °F are ideal for seed germination. Expect germination in 7-10 days. Fertilize every 3-4 weeks with a fertilizer that has a balanced ratio like a 10-10-10. Mulching will help keep the soil moist and weeds down. Once the plants are well established, allow the soil surface to dry between watering. Watering deeply should be done by soaker hoses or drip irrigation rather than overhead methods. By keeping the leaves dry, fungal diseases are discouraged. The garden should be sunny, receiving 8+ hours of full sun each day. In general, it is good to keep the melons off the ground. If the plants are sprawling along the garden, set the melons up on a brick or old pot.

In the garden: Planting Crimson Sweet watermelon directly in the garden involves sowing 2-3 seeds ½ inch deep in 6-inch-high hills, 3 feet apart, and rows 6 feet apart. Soak the plants deeply every week until the vines begin to run. When the vines are 2 feet long, cut out the weaker plants and keep the healthiest looking one at each hill.

In containers: To grow Crimson Sweet watermelon in containers, choose a pot that holds 10 gallons or more of soil per plant and has plenty of holes for drainage. Use a high-quality potting mix amended with compost. It is best to grow dwarf varieties because standard varieties will only produce 1-2 melons in a container. If you do plant standard varieties, you will probably have to water 2x a day in hot weather, and they will need plenty of room for the vines to run. The containers need to be in a place where they will receive 8 hours or more of full sun. After all danger of frost has passed, sow 3-4 seeds ½-1 inch deep per container and water thoroughly. After true leaves appear, remove all but the healthiest one. Mulch with a layer of straw or shredded leaves to help keep the soil moist. Keep the soil continually moist, but not soggy, throughout the season. Fertilize with an all-purpose 10-10-10 fertilizer every 3-4 weeks.

Transplanting: Start indoors 3-4 weeks before the last frost date for your area. How to plant Crimson Sweet watermelon seeds indoors involves sowing 2-3 seeds ½-1 inch deep in peat pots using seed-starting soil. Keep them moist and warm at around 75°F. Once the seeds germinate, place them in a sunny window where they will receive 8+ hours of sunlight, or use grow lights for 16 hours/day. After true leaves appear, keep the one best-looking plant by cutting away the others. When outdoor temperatures have reached 75°F and before you put them in the garden, the seedlings will need to be “hardened off” To do this, set them outdoors in a lightly shaded area for an hour or two. The next day, give them a longer time outside, increasing the time by a couple of hours each day until they remain outdoors overnight, still in their pots. Bury the pots in their hill to the same level as the soil in the pots. Water in thoroughly.


Fruit: Before harvesting, cut back on watering just to keep the plant alive. This causes the plant's efforts to be directed toward making more sugar for the fruits. Watch for the tendril opposite the fruit to turn brown and dry. Then cut the fruit away with shears or a knife. Once cut from the vine, there is no more ripening, and the fruit will not get any sweeter. How many watermelons per plant Crimson Sweet typically produces can vary, but you can expect 2-3 watermelons per plant under optimal conditions.

Seeds: Scoop out the seeds and place them in a bowl of water. Good seeds will sink. Wash any pulp from the good seeds to be used later for eating. Crimson Sweet watermelon is an f1 hybrid, meaning if you plant them next year, you will not get a melon true to the parent.


Common name: Crimson Sweet watermelon

Latin name: Citrullus lanatus

Growth habit: Vine

Life cycle: Annual

USDA Zones: 2-11

Seeds per ounce: Approximately 600

Crimson Sweet watermelon days to maturity: 85


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