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Perennial sorrel leaves grow up to 8 inches long and produce some of the earliest green crops in spring. It has a slightly spicy lemon flavor that adds zest to salads and soups, goes well with fish, and has a strong aroma.
Europeans have been using this versatile plant since the 17th century. It was previously prized for its excellent source of vitamins and nutrients after a long winter, such as A, B, C, D, E, and K. In France, chefs use Sorrel in salads, soups, and sauces. In addition, studies have shown that Sorrel is beneficial for health, as it can reduce fever, general inflammation and prevent scurvy.


Hоw to grоw Sorrel from seeds:

Sowing: Sow large-leaved sorrel seeds indoors 3-4 weeks before the last spring frost in a thin layer 1/4" deep. Expect to germinate within 21 days. When the threat of frost is over, transplant the seedlings into rich, well-draining soil in full sun or partial shade, and place them 12-15" apart in rows of 18". For direct sowing, plant seeds 4-6" apart and thin out the seedlings 12-15" apart. Sow a new crop every 2 weeks for a consistent harvest.
Growing of Sorrel: Sorrel prefers rich and moist soil, which gives the leaves the best taste. Mulch the plant to keep the sоil cool and moist, get rid of weeds, and slow down the formation of bolts. If the plant is bolted together, cut it at ground level for a new crop. Slugs are a real threat to the leaves. If the Sorrel is grown as a perennial plant, cover it thickly for the winter. Then, in the fourth year of life, dig up the Sorrel in the spring to separate and continue healthy growth.
How and When to Harvest Sorrel: Collect fresh leaves at 3-5" in length. It would help cut off the outer leaves until the plant takes root. The mildest taste is found in small tender leaves. Heat treatment significantly reduces the sorrel flavor. Use fresh, boiled, or frozen.
Sorrel's Seed Saving:  Sorrel should overwinter to produce seeds. When the seeds begin to dry, rub them and separate them from the stem. Store large-leaved sorrel seeds in a cool, dry place for up to 2 years.


Common Names: Sheep's Sorrel, Red Sorrel, Sour Weed, Field Sorrel
Latin Name: Rumex acetosa
Species Origin: Britain, Eurasia
Type: Open Pollinated, Heirloom, Cool Season
Life Cycle: Perennial
USDА Zones: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Seeds per Ounce: 10,000
Planting Method: From Transplant
Sunlight: Full Sun, Part Sun
Height: 18 Inches
Color: Green
Bloom Season: Blooms Early Summer, Blooms Late Summer
Uses: Aromatic
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