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Ham And Tewkesbury Butter Sandwiches

Brown bread sandwiches with ham and a firey mustard and horseradish butter in it to give a real bite. Perfect for afternoon tea or picnics. It’s hard to beat a well-made sandwich and they are a very cheap way to feed your whole family. You might also like the recipe for our coronation-style chicken sandwiches which can be seen in the photo above. For a picnic that pulls out all the stops we recommend packing a selection of sandwiches and cutting them into triangles so that you can mix-and-match!


  •     100g (3½oz) butter, softened
  •     2tbsp coarse-grain mustard
  •     1tbsp hot horseradish
  •     6 slices brown bread
  •     175g (6oz) wafer-thin ham
  •     1 punnet salad cress


  1. Beat together the butter, mustard and horseradish.
  2. Spread over the bread. Fill with ham, add cress, and sandwich together.
  3. Cut off crusts and cut sandwiches into quarters.
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