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Boston Pickling Cucumber

Boston Pickling Cucumber

This dark green, blunt-ended cucumbers cultivar produces abundant and consistent yields of 3" to 6" fruit. Boston pickling cucumber are ideal for pickling and fresh salads, ripening in just 57 days. Heirloom Boston Pickling cucumber seeds were introduced around 1890 and gained great popularity due to their rich and reliable yield. Historians agree that the first cucumbers grew in the Himalayas in India over 3,000 years ago, from where they spread to Greece and Rome. And thanks to the Romans, cucumbers spread throughout Europe. Native Americans have also been fond of growing this vegetable for a long time. Cucumber heirloom Boston pickling is indispensable in russian and Asian cuisines; it is cooked in the most unexpected variations.

How to plant Boston Pickling cucumbers from seeds: Sowing: Given the fact that cucumbers are not recommended to be transplanted, planting Boston Pickling cucumber seeds directly or, if necessary, in peat pots is best. When planting indoors, plant seeds 2 weeks before frost by placing 3-4 seeds 1/2" deep in a pot with an air temperature of at least 80 degrees F. When the first 2-3 leaves appear, cut all but the strongest. Harden off seedlings before planting outdoors by placing the pots outdoors during the day. Plant seedlings a week after the last spring frost, when the air temperature is 65-75 degrees F. For direct seeding, sow 7-8 seeds per hill; hills 4-5' apart. Provide cucumbers with full sun, rich soil, and warmth. At the slightest threat of frost, cover the seedlings. Install trellis to help the cucumbers be more regular in shape for proper growth. Corn is considered a good companion plant because cucumbers climb corn. A little life hack: growing radishes next to cucumbers repel the harmful cucumber beetle; however, cucumbers do not like to be planted next to potatoes or fragrant herbs. Boston Pickling cucumber growing: To get a good and rich harvest, do not forget to water the cucumbers and give them a good moisture level. A layer of mulch or straw will help you retain moisture in the hot sun and keep the space free of weeds. Cucumber beetles are very dangerous and should be removed immediately to prevent damage. How to grow Boston Pickling cucumber: An ideal variety of cucumbers for pickling and fresh consumption. It is recommended to harvest consistently throughout the season, then the cucumber will bear more fruit, and the amount of the harvested product will be huge. When the flower on a cucumber turns yellow, it indicates that the cucumber has passed its peak. Store the harvested crop in a dark and cool place or the refrigerator. When to pick Boston Pickling cucumbers: When cucumbers bloom, they have both male and female flowers on the same plant. They are also prone to cross-pollination with other cucumbers, so you should isolate different varieties. When the cucumbers are ripe, leave them on the branch for up to 5 more weeks. In this case, the cucumber will change its color to white, brown, yellow, or orange, depending on the variety, and the cucumber itself will be very soft. Then collect the cucumbers from the bush and leave them in a cool, dry place for another two weeks. Then cut the cucumbers and collect the seeds in a water bowl at 90 degrees away from sunlight for 24-36 hours. The mixture will ferment, so stir it twice a day. At the end of the fermentation prоcess, add more water while stirring - the hollow seeds and debris will flоat to the top while the good seeds will settle. Drain, remove debris, and lay out good seeds to dry for two weeks—store Boston Pickling cucumber seeds in a cool, dry place for up to 8 years.


  • Lаtin Name: Cucumis sаtivus
  • Typе: Open Pollinated, Heirloom, Warm Season
  • USDА Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Seеds per Ounce: 1,000
  • Planting Method: Direct Sow
  • Sunlight: Full Sun
  • Height: 12 Inches
  • Color: Green


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