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An ornamental sweet corn variety ripens in 110 days. It has a fantastic head of cabbage, where the grains form a mosaic of red, yellow, blue, black, brown, and orange colors. Please note that from shallow roots, it requires regular watering.
For the first time, pilgrims discovered maize when they arrived on the shores of the New World. This valuable resource provided by the Indians ensured their survival. Raw materials from Corn, such as husks, have also found use. It was used to make various things such as shoes, ropes, dolls, and chair seats. The modern varieties of sweet corn, field corn, and ornamental Corn are derived from Indian Corn.


Hоw to grоw Corn from seeds:

Sowing: Before planting, you should fertilize the soil with compost or organic fertilizers. One week after the frost and with a soil temperature of 60 degrees F, plant the corn 1" deep and 8 to 12" apart. Planting blocks in four short rows ensure good pollination. The first seedlings germinate in 5-6 days. Good companion plants are cucumbers, peas or beans, and plants like the shade. Avoid planting near tomatoes.
Growing of Corn: Protect corn seedlings from weeds and keep the soil moist. A layer of mulch works well for this. Add organic matter or compost to promote growth. Watch out for pests as Corn attracts many problematic insects and animals.
How and When to Harvest Corn: Leave the Corn on the stalks to dry completely in the field when the stem and ears are entirely brown; if it rains, you should continue drying inside. Choose a dry place with moderate warmth but no direct sunlight; Hang the stems upside down or lay them flat.
Corn's Seed Saving: Corn is prone to cross-pollination with other varieties, so to maintain genetic purity, separate them from different pollinating corn varieties by about 1000 feet. When the Corn is dehydrated on the stem, and the husk and stalk are brown, cut the stems and lаy them out in a dry, well-ventilated area. Removе the kernels by running yоur hands over the cobs. Store corn seeds in a cool, dry place.



Latin Name: Zea mays
Type: Open Pollinated, Warm Season
USDА Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Seeds per Ounce: 120
Planting Method: Direct Sow
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 80 Inches
Color: Mixed, Red, Orange, Yellow
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