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Beef Carpaccio

Beef carpaccio is a classic Italian dish that involves minimal cooking and makes an elegant starter or lunchtime dish. Because the beef is being served raw, choose top quality meat that has been hung for a good period of time to improve flavour and texture. Rare breed beef will give a great result, as these cows tend to have a slightly deeper flavour and are less intensively farmed, producing better-quality meat. The most commonly used cut for carpaccio is the centre of the fillet, although sirloin can be used for a more intense flavour.


  •     500 grams Beef fillet (ready to cook)
  •     1 small box Cress
  •     4 tablespoons olive oil
  •     2 tablespoons lemon juice
  •     2 tablespoons red Shiso sprout
  •     50 grams freshly grated Parmesan
  •     Sea salt
  •     freshly ground peppers


  1. Rinse the beef and pat dry. Cover the beef tightly in plastic wrap, then in foil and freeze for 3 hours.
  2. Trim the cress. Whisk together the oil and lemon juice.
  3. Unwrap the beef from the foil and slice very thinly using a knife or an electric slicer. Arrange the beef on plates, drizzle with lemon oil, sprinkle with cress, shiso and Parmesan. Season with salt and pepper and serve.
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