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Nacho Cheese Sauce

With its great orange colour and slightly tangy flavour, this creamy sauce is perfect for sharing alongside chilli, nachos and jalapeños.


  •     350ml/12fl oz full-fat milk
  •     25g/1oz unsalted butter
  •     25g/1oz plain flour
  •     150g/5½oz Red Leicester, grated
  •     1 tsp cayenne pepper
  •     4 shakes Tabasco
  •     white pepper


  1. Place two saucepans on a medium heat. Pour the milk into one of the pans and melt the butter in the other.
  2. Stir the flour into the melted butter and cook for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Gradually whisk the warm milk into the flour and butter paste, stirring constantly. Keep whisking until the sauce is smooth and silky before adding more milk. This will ensure you get a smooth sauce with no lumps.
  4. Once all the milk has been added, keep stirring and reduce the heat to its lowest setting.
  5. Cook the sauce for a further 4 minutes and then stir in the grated Red Leicester. Allow the cheese to melt, stirring continuously for 2 minutes.
  6. Season the sauce with the cayenne, Tabasco and a little white pepper to taste.
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