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White Icicle Radish

White Icicle Radish

The roots of the White Icicle radish are similar to carrots and can grow up to 6" in length. The root vegetable has a delicate flesh and a spicy taste, ideal for side dishes or salads. Radish ripens in 28 days.
No one knows where radishes come from, but they have been known to have been grown in the United States since the late 19th century. The seeds of this variety became a hit in 1903, and in 1924 the White Icicle radish was described as a superior radish, the thinnest and longest of the very early, pure white varieties.

How to grow White Icicle Radish from seeds:

Sowing: Plant the radish deep directly into fertile soil 4 weeks before the last expected spring frost, 1/2" deep and 1" apart. Cut the seedlings 2-3" or more apart for more giant radishes. To ensure a consistent crop, plant seeds every two weeks. Radish does not tolerate heat well but is cold-resistant. Plant about two months before the first expected fall frost for fall and winter planting.
Growing of White Icicle Radish: Radish is hygrophilous and loves organic fertilizers. Do not lеt the soil dry out, but also avoid over-watering as this can cause splitting.
How and When to Harvest White Icicle Radish: White Icicle radishes can be harvested at any time up to their mature length of 5". The flavor is strongest at a small size and becomes milder as the radish matures.
White Icicle Radishes Seed Saving: Radishes are cross-pollinated with all other radish varieties and should be isolated half a mile from different types. When the radishes are fully ripe and have a flowering stem, wait for the pods to form and turn brown. Dry the pods for a few days, thresh the seeds. Store radish seeds in a cool, dry place for five years.



Latin Name: Raphanus sativus
Type: Open Pollinated, Heirloom, Cool Season
USDА Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Seeds per Ounce: 2,500
Planting Method: Direct Sow
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 9 Inches
Color: White


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