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Culinary Guides

Cauliflower Lettuce Salad

Simple salad that makes a perfect side dish or it could be enjoyed as a light lunch or dinner. Easy to scale for the number of servings you require.


  • 1 head lettuce 
  • 2/3 head cauliflower (chopped fine)
  • 1 pound bacon (fried and crumbled)
  • 6 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
  • dressing
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise (and Miracle Whip, 1/2 cup EACH)
  • 1/4 cup sugar


  1. Toss lettuce, cauliflower, and bacon together.
  2. Just before serving, mix with dressing. In several intervals, add a small portion of the dressing with the salad. Determine if more dressing is needed. Do not add too much dressing at once. Stir in dressing to your taste. Too much dressing can cause salad to be soggy.
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