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Marketer Cucumber

Marketer Cucumber

Marketer Cucumber

These cucumbers have long, slender fruits 12-14 inches long and ripen in 58 days. It is ideal for slicing, is not bitter, and contains almost no acid. It is suitable for pickling and preparing salads.
Historians are convinced that the first cucumbers grew in the Himalayan mountains more than 3000 years ago and spread throughout Europe. Native Americans cultivated cucumbers under the influence of the Spaniards and other explorers. Now it is impossible to imagine any cuisine in the world without this vegetable. As a result, you can find the largest selection of forms and types of cucumbers in its Asian homeland.


How to grow Cucumber from seeds: 

Sowing: This variety of cucumbers does not tolerate transplanting well. Therefore, it is recommended to plant them in peat pots or direct sowing. Grow indoors 2 weeks before frost, 3-4 seeds per pot 1/2" deep and 80 degrees F. When two to three leaves appear on each plant, cut off all but the strongest. Before planting outdoors, you should harden the seedlings. Plant young seedlings at least one week after the last spring frost, with a stable air temperature of 65-75 degrees F. Place three seedlings or 7-8 seeds on each hill, 4-5 feet apart. If planting in rows, then 1' apart. Cucumbers are thermophilic and cannot stand even light frosts. To grow vines properly, you need a trellis or plant cucumbers next to the corn. It is not recommended to plant cucumbers next to potatoes or aromatic herbs.
Growing of Cucumber: For a good harvest, cucumbers need moisture. A layer of mulch will help retain moisture and tame weeds. Also, watch out for the cucumber beetles and remove them immediately to avoid damaging them.
How and When to Harvest Cucumber: This sweet, thin, dark green Cucumber grows to a length of 12-14 inches. You can use it for slicing or pickling and store Cucumbers in the refrigerator for a long time.
Cucumber's Seed Saving: Hybrid cucumber varieties do not produce the desired seeds, so the seeds will either be sterile or revert to the characteristics of one of the parent seeds. Therefore, propagation of this cucumber variety from its own seeds will not succeed.



Latin Name: Cucumis sativus
Type: Hybrid, Warm Season
USDA Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Seeds per Ounce: 1,000
Planting Method: Direct Sow
Sunlight: Full Sun
Height: 12 Inches
Color: Green



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