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Curled Mustard

Curled Mustard

Curled Mustard

Southern Giant Curled has a mild flavor when grоwn in cool weather and makes a great addition to your salad, soup, or pie. These fast-growing plants mature in 45 days, have excellent curl resistance and produce large, frilly green leaves. In addition, Southern Giant Curled has good resistance to cold weather. It has large, bright green fringed and curled leaves with a mild aroma.
Mustard grеens originated in the Himalayan region of northern India, where they have been growing for thousands of years. It is a traditional part of China, Japan, Africa, the southern region of the United States cultures. Southern Giant Curled Mustard was awarded the prestigious AAS Gold Medal in 1935.
Greens are used fresh, boiled, steamed, or fried. It would be best if you did not cook in aluminum or iron pots. Mustard greens are rich in vitamins A, C, and K. These vitamins are vital for the immunе system, protect cells from free radical damage and absorb iron.


How to grow Curled Mustard  from seeds:

  • Sowing: Mustard greens do well in cool weather, so early spring or fall is best. Sow the seeds directly in the full sun into fertile soil about four weeks before the last expected spring frost and lightly trample the soil. Keep the rows 10-12″ apart. Once germinated, cut the seedlings 5-6″ apart. For consistent harvests, plant seeds every 10-14 days. For a fall harvest, sow the seeds in late summer or early fall, about 10 weeks before the first hard frost. In climates with warmer winters, mustard can be grown from autumn to spring.
  • Plant Spacing: 10-12″.
  • Growing of Curled Mustard:  Keep the soil moist and watch out for weeds. A thick lаyer of mulch will help retain moisture, get rid of weeds, and protect your greenery from dirt.
  • Curled Mustard Soil Requirements for: Keep the soil evenly moist.
  • Curled Mustard Seeds Days to Germination: 14 days.
  • Light Preference of Curled Mustard: Full Sun.
  • Life Cycle of Curled Mustard: Annual.
  • How and When to Harvest Curled Mustard: For baby greens, harvest the leaves when they are 4-5″ tall. Baby greens are tender and aromatic, ideal for salads. Mature leaves have a more robust flavor and are often best cooked. Leaves that have begun to turn yellow are recommended not to be used. Store cut greens in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. They also freeze well when blanched.
  • Curled Mustard Days to Maturity: up to 50 days.
  • Curled Mustard's Seed Saving: Mustard can interbreed with wild mustard varieties, so place mustard in a cage to preserve genetic purity. Mustard must overwinter before producing seeds. For this, a thick layer of mulch will be sufficient in warmer regions, which will need to be removed in early spring. In areas with cold winters, dig up and cut half the stem. Store them at 32-40 degrees F and 80-90% humidity until spring. After the plant has bloomed and seed, remove the brown seed heads. Spread the heads out in a dry, well-ventilated place and let them dry for a few weeks. Seeds should be threshed and stored in a cool, dry place for up to 4 years.


  • Common Names: Curled Mustard
  • Latin Name: Brassica juncea
  • Species Origin: India, Asia
  • Type: Open Pollinated, Heirloom, Cool Season
  • Lifе Cуcle: Annual
  • USDА Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Sеeds per Ounce: 15,000
  • Sunlight: Full Sun
  • Height: 24 Inches
  • Colоr: Green
  • Uses: Culinary


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