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Cimarron Red Lettuce

Cimarron Red Lettuce



Description: Lettuces can generally be placed in one of four categories: looseleaf, butterhead, crisphead, and romaine. Cimarron lettuce is a romaine type. It has bright green-red leaves that graduate to deep red tips. It forms loose heads of crispy leaves 10 to 12 inches in height. It is crisp and tender with a pleasant, mild taste. It is a good source of folic acid and antioxidants. Resists bolting.

Origin: Lettuce originates from the eastern Mediterranean and western Asia. The introduction of Cimarron Romaine has a confusing history but it has been grown in America since the 1700s.

Usage: Used fresh for sandwiches, salads, and as wraps. 

Interesting facts: Cimarron red lettuce is a good source of hydration as it contains 93% water.  It is also a good source of the antioxidants, vitamins C and A.

The average American eats about 30 lbs of lettuce a year.

General requirements: Lettuce is a cool-season crop that grows well in the spring and fall in most regions. Cimarron Red lettuce can be grown for a fresh harvest all season long in areas with cool summers or warm winters. Make succession plantings every 2 weeks. Lettuce prefers loose soil rich in organic compost, moist and well-drained. The plants have shallow roots and respond best to consistent, shallow watering. This lettuce grows best in full sun or partial shade and is resistant to bolting. It can be seeded directly into the garden, in containers, or started indoors and transplanted later. Because lettuce seeds need light to germinate,  place seeds directly on top of the soil and cover lightly by "sprinkling" fine soil over them. Expect germination in 7-10 days.

In the garden: Sow seeds directly onto cultivated soil, at a soil temperature of at least 35 degrees F. Seeds will not germinate in soil temperatures above 75 degrees F. Seeds should germinate in 7-10 days. When 2 or 3 true leaves have appeared, thin to 12 or more inches apart. Or, plant 1 inch apart in rows 12 inches apart. Thin to 12 or more inches apart. Use the thinnings in salads. A layer of mulch will help keep plants clean and help retain moisture.

In containers: Use professional potting soil for planting in containers. This lettuce needs to be at least 12 inches apart whether seeding directly or transplanting. Do not allow the soil to become soggy. Use containers with drainage holes.

Transplanting: Start indoors in trays or cells about 1 month before the last frost date. Before transplanting, the seedlings should be 2-3 inches tall and must be hardened off, or acclimated, to the outside environment. To harden off, place the plants outside in the sun for 2-3 hours the first day.  After the first day, increase the amount of time outdoors by a couple of hours each day until your lettuce plants can finally be left out for 24 hours. The hardening-off process can take 7-10 days. Once your lettuce plants are hardened off they will be ready to transplant into your garden or outdoor container. It is best to transplant on an overcast day or later in the day when the sun is less intense.  Remember, the root system is shallow and you want to prevent transplant shock. Set plants 12 or more inches apart and to the same depth as they are in the tray or cell that they are coming from. Water thoroughly. 


Leaves: Start harvesting the outer leaves when they reach 4" or more. It's best to harvest early in the morning to keep them crisp and sweet. Continue harvesting throughout the growing season. Alternatively, harvest the entire plant by cutting a bunch of leaves about an inch or 2 above the crown. New leaves will form and you could get another harvest or 2 during the season if it remains temperate. 

Seeds: The plant will mature and bolt and start to produce flowers in about 60-70 days. Wait until the flower heads are fluffy and dry before harvesting. Hold a bag under the flowers and shake them into the bag. Do this daily until most of the mature seeds are collected. Or, cut off a stem of flower heads and shake them inside a bag. Seeds can be separated from the chaff and other debris by sifting through a metal mesh strainer. Seeds are better if collected from plants that are slower to bolt. Store them in a cool, dry place for next season's planting.


Common name: Cimarron Red, Cimarron Romaine

Latin Name: Lactuca sativa

Growth habit: Upright, herbaceous, tall, loose, vase-shaped head of red-green leaves.

Life cycle: Annual

USDA Zones: 3-12

Seeds per Ounce: 20,000

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